
I’m excited to open the website with for Modular Devices Malleable Audio.

In 2018 we started work on a project to make our livesets fun again. We designed and built a sequencer as the brain of our live performances, with the goal of putting creativity and the immediacy of improvisation front and center. We haven’t looked back - and because it’s open source, and uses commerically available hardware, you can too!

There will be more on the sequencer here in future, but for 2022 my focus is moving from sequencing towards the synthesis, noise generation, & audio processing realm. I’ll be experimenting with these ideas, learning along the way, and posting updates here as I go.

The sequencer became known as the malleable sequencer (or MSEQ), and now this is Modular Devices Malleable Audio - bringing a D.I.Y attitude to creating a range of inter-operable & cross-format devices and software for making and controlling noise.